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After this 2 mile hike that we were all sore from, the next day is Sabbath and we thankfully get to rest. A much needed day of rest after the tons of information received and that hike. 

Growing up in the church we learn and know that after the Lord finished creation and he rested on the 7th day. I know there is debate about which day counts as the Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday, but our Sabbath day was on a Wednesday. What I realized was that it didn’t matter which day we rested, as long as we found time to rest in the Lord. Resting in the Lord is SO important and it is something that isn’t done enough. I think when we think of resting we typically think of sleeping, binge watching Netflix, staying in our pajamas all day, etc. But what does it mean to rest in the Lord? I was very appreciative of the ways they had written out how to rest in God. AIM (Adventures in Missions) laid out a couple different spiritual pathways that would allow us to connect with God and build a relationship with him. They were the activist pathway, experiential pathway, contemplative pathway, student pathway, relational pathway, naturalist pathway, and aesthetic pathway. We were able to read and reflect on which pathway best suited us to connect with God. (Side note, they had painting and coloring in the training center for those who chose the aesthetic pathway which I thought was pretty cool). Personally I went with the contemplative/naturalist pathway. I was able to go back to my tent and just sit in nature and be in awe of everything the Lord had created. Now I will be honest and say I fell asleep, I mean I was beat, but I did rest physically and I think in that time the Lord just created a still peace moment that I felt secure in the Father. 

After our morning Sabbath time and lunch we had the option to continue Sabbath on our own or we could enjoy time with our team. B Squad decided to hang out together and work on our dance for squad wars (you will find out about in the next couple of blogs). I love the connection within our squad and that we wanted to spend time together. We had so much fun working on our dance and everyone was a trooper with high energy and spirits. 

To end our night each squad had a cookout at their campground. We cooked chicken, veggies/peppers, and bread over fire. It was such a wonderful night over the fire with the squad working together to sort food, cut wood, start the fire, cook the food, and serve one another. During the night the squad next to us was worshiping and I mean singing their hearts our worship. In all honesty every bone in my body wanted to jump over the trees and go join them, I wanted to sing, how come we weren’t singing, I love to sing. Hear a similar word in there? “I”. I wanted to do that and worship God how I wanted, but singing wasn’t on the menu for our squad, testimonies was. Right there God not only showed me He is in control, but that sharing a testimony is just as important as singing. That it’s not about me and my wants, but about how to glorify God, and the way we glorified him in our squad was by sharing what he had done in our lives, and for that I was eternally grateful! It was a beautiful night surrounded by beautiful people!

Below you will find pictures of what we ate and what we cooked over. Also added a personal favorite to the mix as well!

Brotherly love! We have some great guys on our Squad! 

2 responses to “Sabbath – A Day of Rest”

  1. I love getting glimpses into more of your journey and heart! Love you so much, sister! Praying for God’s continued good work to be done in & through you!

  2. Thank you for sharing your experience and journey with God. It is inspiring and a truly meaningful uplifting of my mind and spirit. Prayers and remembering??