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Street Living

Alcohol breath Urine smells Musty odors Bug bites   These are the things seen, smelled, and felt out on the streets.   Meals provided Money given Gentlemen Protected   These … Read more about Street Living

Worth the Risk?

I heard my Pastor say a quote at church, and it said:   "It would be a shame for a Christian to die of natural causes."    Oof…..did that hit anyone else in the gut?? It hit … Read more about Worth the Risk?

A New Name

Tattoos tend to be a controversial topic, especially in the Christian community. Should you have them or not have them? Personally I don't think it's a salvation issue (and if I'm wrong by all means I … Read more about A New Name

Hello Thirty!

Today is my birthday! That's right, 30 years old, a new decade!    I think back on my life and all the things I have seen, experienced, grown in, understood, still learning, and walking … Read more about Hello Thirty!