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Alright, be honest with yourself. How many of you love drinking coca cola and eating some cookies? Maybe together, maybe separate, but I mean we like to eat this kind of stuff right? My team and I have been blessed that we have found a cold cola or Americanized cookies at the store. Brings a little taste of comfort to the day. However in this state of comfort I’ve realized that there needs to be self-control and abandonment. 

When I discovered there was Coke at our base, I was getting one like everyday probably twice a day at lunch and dinner. Then discovered there was a small store within walking distance that also sold cold cola and I was like praise Jesus! It became a running joke that myself and another teammate have a slight addiction (which I am a Pepsi girl full force, but when coke is what’s here that’s what I go for). Only have been here a little over a week it was like we never left the States with all of these comfort foods; like going to the store and getting Oreo(golden, no chocolate for me) cookies just to have that sweet taste. Praise the Lord for familiar things.

But in all of this fun it hit me that I had actually looked forward to not having these things. To not having a late night sweet treat, or my face breaking out because I was drinking soda all the time. I remember telling my mom that I was excited to be engulfed in the culture including food, and not being able to run to the store to buy something sweet and unhealthy. A little conviction happened and the Lord reminded me that I needed to have self-control and abandon these things. Just because it’s here doesn’t mean I have to have it and go crazy trying to get it. Maybe it sounds silly that we chose to abandon a sip of coke or a taste of a cookie, but food can take over your mind and emotions in weird ways and the Lord had to bring me back down. 

In this season of life I hope to continue to focus on the one who will always provide. If he happens to provide a cold cola and some cookies(because I do still have some cookies left ??), then let me have self-control over what I consume and how much of it I take in. To know when to say enough or even when to say no. To abandon freely the hold food has and hold tightly to the Lord. 

If you need to give up your “Coke and cookies”, I pray you find strength to let them go! 

Thanks for reading! 

4 responses to “Coke and Cookies”

  1. Fun read but also some truth here too. Abandonment to any thing to replace with wanting the “more” of Holy Spirit is so life giving. You’re perspective here, even on cokes and cookies 🙂 is just another example of you personally seeking more of the Lord instead. Love it!

  2. Hello from DeLand!

    You can give up Coke girly, I did and I can’t stand it now. I am so excited to see your e-mails. I am glad you are doing good!!! Enjoy your time away and embrace everything new!!!!

    Angi Mandese

  3. You can do it! Immerse yourself in the culture and just enjoy the simple pleasures they have there too 😉

  4. Thanks for being so transparent, friend. It’s not easy to admit our faults so I commend you on that. I am even more excited for you that you are seeking the Lord and leaning on him to gain self-control. The Lord cares about all aspects of our lives, even cokes and cookies (which I do love!)